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(1 edit)

I've made a playthrough of the game :D
Nice Jumpscare , interesting lore , cute artstyle
10/10 would wait for more chapters

A few thing to critique is,

there's to much walking and the chase scene are too long and punishing. i suggest for the walking parts try adding more spooky sfx to fill the long gaps, and the arrow for chase scene is really helpful , implementing it in all scene is really recommended. or you can make a quick time event instead.

i also hope to see more lore and interaction with ppl.

speaking of interaction, the wait between each dialogue is too long , i suggest make the dialogue clickable so dialogue can be excahnge faster.

i guess that's that! hoping to see more from you in the future! :D Followed!

One of my favourite games so far! Absolutely loved it!!

That was so cool. 5/5